Assalamu Alaikum ; "Peace Be Upon U" My grandmother died last night "13 July 2013" she was the closest person to me in this life ..please make Dua' for her .. May Allah give her forgiveness & Grant her AlGanna ...Ameen My grand father died in "2 March 2013" he was very close to me like a father to me or even more ... so please make dua' for him May Allah give him forgiveness & Grant him AlGannah ..Ameen ----------------------------------- السلام عليكم لقد توفيت الى رحمة الله جدتى الليله الماضيه 13 يوليو 2013 و كانت اقرب شخص لى فى هذه الدنيا ...ارجو الدعاء لها بالمغفره فى هذا الشهر المبارك شهر رمضان شهر المغفره اللهم اغفر لها و ارحمها و ادخلها فسيح جناتك يا رحمن يا رحيم ...امين و صلى اللهم وسلم على سيدنا محمد و على اله وصحبه و سلم لقد توفى جدى رحمة الله عليه فى يوم السبت الموافق 2من مارس 2013 وكان اقرب الناس الي مثل والدى او اكثر ارجوا من اخوانى المسلمين الدعاء له بالمغفره اللهم ارحمه و اعفو عنه و ثبته عند السؤال و ارزقه جنة الخلد يا رحمن يا رحيم و صلى اللهم على سيدنا محمد و على اله و صحبه وسلم امين
Scottish revert/convert sister is sending a strong message for those who stereotype about her reversion!! the Scottish accent fits the message in her video.
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He reverted to Islam so his mother kicked him out of the home and throw his belongings from the window! he didn't give up and kept giving his family islamic materials finally his father converted to Islam after studying it and he passed away in the month of Ramadan! now Allah decided to bring his mother in she experienced a dream that brought her to the mosque to take her Shahada with tears in her eyes apologizing for what she did to her son!!!
For Cell-Phones Click This Link To Watch The Video If You Can't See It Above:
Why there is so much suffering and unjust wars in the world if God exists?
Atheism! short lecture by Asadullah Ali
Asadullah Ali is American revert to Islam and he's been studying and lecturing about Islam [Besides he has a Masters in Atheism] and also he's known for his youtube videos which countered some known Islam haters!