Assalamu Alaikum ;
"Peace Be Upon U"
My grandmother died last night "13 July 2013" she was the closest person to me in this life ..please make Dua' for her ..
May Allah give her forgiveness & Grant her AlGanna ...Ameen
My grand father died in "2 March 2013"
he was very close to me like a father to me or even more ...
so please make dua' for him
May Allah give him forgiveness & Grant him AlGannah ..Ameen
السلام عليكم
لقد توفيت الى رحمة الله جدتى الليله الماضيه 13 يوليو 2013 و كانت اقرب شخص لى فى هذه الدنيا ...ارجو الدعاء لها بالمغفره فى هذا الشهر المبارك شهر رمضان شهر المغفره
اللهم اغفر لها و ارحمها و ادخلها فسيح جناتك يا رحمن يا رحيم ...امين و صلى اللهم وسلم على سيدنا محمد و على اله وصحبه و سلم
لقد توفى جدى رحمة الله عليه فى يوم السبت الموافق 2من مارس 2013
وكان اقرب الناس الي مثل والدى او اكثر ارجوا من اخوانى المسلمين الدعاء له بالمغفره
اللهم ارحمه و اعفو عنه و ثبته عند السؤال و ارزقه جنة الخلد يا رحمن يا رحيم
و صلى اللهم على سيدنا محمد و على اله و صحبه وسلم

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Tanzanian Masai tribe learn about Islam - almost the entire village accepted Islam!

Abdul-Raheem Green reached out to a remote tribe in Africa and gave them the best gift ever! 
The entire tribe accepted Islam 👆 Allahu Akbar!

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Thursday, June 27, 2019

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Abdul-Raheem Green is back in Malawi in Africa and opened a new Mosque!

Abdul-Raheem Green is back in Malawi in Africa and opened a new Mosque his organisation (IERA) had built it. about 85 people converted to Islam 👆 Allahu Akbar!

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Why The Irish Singer Sinéad O'Connor Converted To Islam? She Said: Everyone Should Listen To The Noble Qur'an!

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Sunday, June 9, 2019

The Amazing Story of Sister Chantel of How She Came To Islam?

Sister Chantel when she came to know about Islam for the 1st time she was shocked because 
of how Islam gave women their rights and commanded men to give a huge respect for women!

She even thought it's a joke and she went to research Islam about the role of men and women 
and that when she realized Islam simply provide women rights and protects it too
and also provided a guidance for both men and women to respect each other and to 
 complement each other as Islam doesn't see the 2 sexes in competition as some feminists see it!

but Islam states each of the 2 sexes have their roles that complement each other and hence 
men and women must work together.
but also both are equal in the sight of Allah.

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The Very Touching Story of David And His Favourite Book!!

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