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-Moses [Our Prophet Mosa]:
The most man that is mentioned in the Noble Qur'an which our Prophet Mohammad told us: Moses was a Dark Black man!
-Luqman: [Chapter 31 in the Noble Qur'an is named after him]
He was a Black man from Africa and there is statements in tafseer Ibn Katheer[one of the scholars who was explaining the Noble Qur'an] by Ibn Abbas & others which confirm Luqman was indeed a black man!
روي عن ابن عباس و جابر و سعيد و مجاهد أن لقمان كان عبدا أسودا
-The Black Woman our mother Hagar:
She was the wife of our Prophet Abraham and the mother of our prophet Ishmael which later came from her progeny our Prophet Mohammad!
Solomon[Our Prophet Soliman]:
There is traditional stories which also state he was a black man.
-Bilal Ibn Rabah:
The famous Black man who was a slave and the Prophet Moahammad freed him and made him his closest companion but also he granted him the honour of the first man to call the azan in Islam which shocked some people at the time who still held the culture of black people shouldn't be leading or held to a high position!
Many others as Allah told us in the Noble Qur'an that he did send many Prophets and messengers to every nation along the history and those messengers did speak the language of their own people and that means their had been many other black prophets and messengers.